Monday, February 18, 2008

Sorry I've been out of the loop. We've been in Abilene the past week for my Papa's funeral. I'll try to post some Valentine pictures when I get a chance!

Here's his obituary....he was a wonderful man and I miss him a lot!

You'd think by now I'd have learned how to use this Mac and make links clickable...but, no.

And for Shannon and Marcia, who apparently let their imaginations run wild with my Wes Welker picture...the picture was taken several years ago (as evidenced by the fact that I'm many pounds lighter in said photo) when I worked in Lubbock and he was playing for Tech. The husband of one of the teachers I worked with was a football team trainer and got a few of the guys to read to our kids. It was pajama day. Sorry, no big juicy story there...though I'm sure Shannon made a good one up!


Ashley said...

i am so sorry about your papa. Breaks my heart. I hope your fam is doing okay.

I miss you

annalee said...

so sorry to hear about your papa. praying for you guys.