Monday, March 05, 2007

Julio, Julio, wherefore art thou Julio?

There is one item that I LOVED in Lubbock that I just cannot find at any stores here in College Station. It is the delicious salsa made by my man Julio. I practically lived on this stuff for years when I was in Lubbock. I've looked high and low here, but have been unable to locate it in any grocery store. Now that I'm pregnant, the craving for Julio's is URGENT!! I was reminded of this last night at small group when someone showed up with Julio's tortilla chips. So, they have the CHIPS here, but no SALSA. I NEED IT!! I'm wondering if it's worth calling the company to see if they will ship me some. I'm not sure I can wait until Spring Break when my parents can deliver some from Abilene. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!


Marcia said...

Did you eat it in secret in Lubbock? I've never heard of your friend Julio or his salsa. How about I bring you some rice-a-roni?