Sunday, January 04, 2009

Scanner Sunday

In honor of the new year, I'm going to start a new little game on my blog-Scanner Sunday. I invite everybody to play along. The only rule is that you post a picture and the picture has to be scanned. Mostly, we're talking old school pics from before digital cameras. It ought to be fun (and funny) to see what I can dig up!

My first Scanner Sunday photo is from the CA Banquet back in 2001. I remember that day I took all three of my ExCET exams-I didn't know you were supposed to space them out and take them one at a time! I took one five-hour test and two 2.5 hour tests. Luckily, I'm a good test taker and passed them all!


Jessica said...

I remember that night well! And that outfit of Shannons.

Marcia said...

I hope this wasn't your first and last sunday scan. I found a picture tonight that I can't wait to scan and share.